Protection For What Matters Most

Put a team of insurance experts to work and find out the best and most affordable protection for your unique needs.

The loss of your income can have a severe impact on the welfare and financial stability of your family.

Cover Your Back

What Do We Do?

Make certain that in the event of a disability, you are not solely dependent on a meager short-term disability payment, if such payment is available at all.




Mortgage Protection

In the case of your death, disability, or a significant illness, your mortgage will either be fully paid off or a substantial portion of its payments will be covered for years.

If you're eligible for a Cash Back Policy, you'll receive a full refund of premiums at the end of your policy if you never use the coverage. 

Money Back Guarantee

Disability, Major Illness, Identity Theft Protection

Ensure that in case of an unexpected disability or serious illness, you have access to funds to support you if you are unable to work again.




Aids in covering unexpected medical costs that could render you unable to work and are often prohibitively expensive on their own.

Ensure that in the event of your passing, you can leave something behind for your family.

Take comfort in the assurance that your family is well cared for and secure.




Choose to have your plan for a fixed duration or maintain it indefinitely - the decision is yours.

What worries you at night?

At Secure Mortgage Protection we want to help you solve that worry that you feel. Get a free quote or call us and we'll help you come with a plan to solve it. Even if it's not through us.

Affordable Insurance     How it Works     Mortgage Protection